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How to invest in Biomm

Biomm is a publicly traded company, meaning its shares are traded on the Brasil, Bolsa e Balcão (B3) with the ticker BIOM3 and the Bovespa Mais level. The Company has corporate governance practices based on the best transparency, control and decision-making criteria used by the market.
As it is listed on the stock exchange, the path to investing in the Company must be done through brokerages or banks that are duly registered with the B3 for this service. In practice, when you want to buy a share, for example, you must do so directly through the home broker or by contacting your investment advisor.
Under no circumstances does Biomm make direct investment offers that must be acquired outside of the B3.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us by email at or by contacting the IR Contact.

Last Update on January 23, 2025